Templederry Loop

Templederry Loop
Hard Effort  (5/5 Difficult level)
Hills and  long walk
~ 30000 steps  22.3km
~ 5hr
Dog Friendly
Traffic volume – Low
Some superb views of the surrounding…
( Passes  Ileigh Church, Templederry Church, Bishop Quinlan monument)
Note: The Route to Templederry is more uphill and longer than the route back to Borrisoleigh
Borrisoleigh to Templederry walk  via Ileigh

Return walk back to Borrisoleigh is  via Glenarisk

Head out Nenagh Road from Borrisoleigh. Take first left after Shannon’s CIRCLE Petrol station /span>
At first junction  veer RIGHT  towards ILEIGH 
Continue up this road until you reach next junction, then veer left down the hill
At the bottom of this road is Ileigh Church but before the famine !
Continue on up this road and turn RIGHT at the T junction
This is a relatively quite road with some stunning view across the hill sides
At the next junction  veer right
At the next junction which has a bungalow in front of it   go RIGHT
At the next junction  take a RIGHT

At the next junction take RIGHT side
At next Cross Roads  +   … go straight ahead
There are some nice view over Templederry along this road on the left
At the next junction  turn RIGHT
At the next junction turn LEFT and head in towards TEMPLEDERRY
This road is a busy road , so care should be taken as you head into TEMPLEDERRY
Templederry village is quite small, with a shop, pub and church
The journey back to Borrisoleigh will be a little shorter and slightly downhill
Continue back through the village, along the road you entered by
Pass the local graveyard on your right as you leave
At the next junction go Straight and then veer RIGHT or yellow sigh, towards DURLAS  (Thurles)
Cross over bridge and head straight towards the main Borris Nenagh Road  which you will crossAt the Borris Nenagh Junction Cross the road and head RIGHT
Immediately take the next road on the LEFT  to head towards Glenarisk
Continue up this road , follow road to the right
Comtinue straight at the next just,  just after it on the right will be FANTANE OLD SCHOOL  which is now a nursery
At the next cross roads , go straight ahead
Along this road on the LEFT  is a monument to Bishop Shanahan  who worked on the missions
At the next junction Head Straight, on to back road of Borrisoleigh
Continue on until you reach the end of the ‘back road’ and a  T  junction, then turn RIGHT
At next junction Templemore to Borrisoleigh road, take RIGHT and head back into village