Latteragh Hill Loop
Hard Effort  (4/5 Difficult level)
Steep climb in middle  ( 229m )
~ 22400 steps
~ 240min
Dog Friendly
Traffic  – Low  (expect 1 or 2 cars passing)

Proper Roadway
Excellent views.


Head out Templemore Road from Borrisoleigh
Burkes Castle will be visible on right hand side
At first junction  take a left , then an immediate right 
At the next  junction head straight
At the next junction  head straight
At the next junction veer LEFT
Continue down this road
There are good views ove the county on your  right hand side
There is also a very nice bridge
Continue striaght  at the next junction
At the signposted junction , take a LEFT  follow sign for Toomevara
At the next junction , head towards the hills and take a LEFT
This is a narrow road, and although fairly quite care should be taken in case a 4 x 4 comes along
The views at the top of the hill, are worth it for the effort getting up the steep road
Once there it is all down hill home 🙂
This stretch of road is also straight and level so very pleasant to walk along
The road swings  right and left  and it might feel you are entering a farm yard. But it is a valid L road
Eventually you will come to a plaque commerating a teenager Martin Burke killed by Black and Tans
At next junction take a LEFT
As you walk down this road , you will pass the remains of Garrangrena School on the left
Continue down the road, and take a RIGHT at the bottom
At the next junction  , go Left and then take a right onto main road towards Borrisoleigh