Borrisoleigh to Bouladuff outbound 10.5km


Bouladuff back to Borrisoeigh via Pallas and Ileigh 11km
Bouladuff Pallas Loop
Moderate Effort  (4/5 Difficult level)
Mostly flat, but steep walk towards the end up towards Ileigh
~ 24100 steps  22km
~ 4hr 30min
Dog Friendly
Traffic volume – Low

Some superb views of the Devils Bit and Tipperary. 

Head out Templemore Road from Borrisoleigh

Burkes Castle will be visible on right hand side

At first junction  take a left , then an immediate right 
Continue up this road until you read next junction, then head straight
The mountain directly in front of you is the Devils Bit
At the next junction , take a RIGHT towards Kilfitmone
You have now arrived at the junction of Kilfitmone
To the LEFT  is Kilfitmone Church

At the junction of the main road with Templemore, head straight across the main road

At the next junction  head straight
Head straight at the next junction
Head straight at the next junction
At the sign for DROM, turn LEFT
Take a LEFT at the next junction, as you head towards BOULADUFF via the back roads
At the next junction, continue straight
At the next T junction , take a RIGHT
At the next junction after the school, walk straight across the main road.  Be careful as this is an extremely busy road
You have now arrived in BOULADUFF village , about 50% through the walk

The local bar/restuarant  RAGG maybe open for tea/coffee/drink or a meal
There is also a local service station MALONEYs  with a shop and seating,  just up the main road on your right

  BOULADUFF to BORRISOLEIGH  return part of loop  11km 2.5 hours
Head out the road towards the local church, it will be on your right and maybe open
Continue along this road and over a small bridge
There is some information  on ANNFIELD House
At the next junction  veer to the LEFT over the small bridge
There is an impressive Water Mill (on the RIGHT)  and Killanna Well Graveyard   ( inside in a field on the LEFT) up this road
At the next junction, head towards Coolderry Old school  and take a RIGHT
Some excellent views over the countryside and you pass Old Coolderry National School
Old Coolderry National School, Tipperary


At the next junction  head straight
At the next junction, head straight..  ( The entrace to the SANDTRAP  will be on you LEFT  beside the GREEN box )
At the junction of PALLAS  head straight up the hill ( yu could take a short cut to Borris by taking the road to RIGHT  but it is a busy road and you would miss the views from ILEIGH road)
At the junction of Knockahorna, take a RIGHT  and head back towards  Borrisoleigh